Author name: Nu:ionic

Solving Energy Supply and Demand Storage Problems With Hydrogen

Ever since the first electric grids were established in the late 1800s, the power we consume at home is energy that is only a few seconds old, generated ‘on demand’ at power plants. With a shift toward renewable energy, however, that supply model is being challenged. As we welcome December, turn up the heat in our homes and look ahead to a new year, with new policies and shifting attitudes about the environment, creating renewable energy storage has never been more important.

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Warming Up to Blended Hydrogen This Winter

American Thanksgiving is often a turning point, the time when we transition from autumn to winter and start heating our homes to insulate ourselves from the cold. Did you know that almost a quarter of all global energy consumption is used by residential and commercial buildings, contributing more than 17% of global greenhouse gas emissions? As we prepare to give thanks in the US, here are some actionable ways we can use hydrogen to create energy savings and work towards decarbonization.

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Why Everyone Is Talking About Reaching “Net Zero” By 2050

Whether you consume your news via television, radio, social media or some combination of the three, you are no doubt aware of the heightened global buzz around reaching “net zero” by 2050. This was a hot topic in the recent US election and routinely appears in headlines from France to China, India to Australia. Like most news bites, it sounds great, but what does ‘reaching net zero by 2050’ actually mean?

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