


Distributed hydrogen production

On-site low carbon industrial feedstock

While hydrogen can be produced at low cost at large scale, it is still costly and difficult to distribute, significantly increasing its cost when used in smaller quantities in the emerging fuel cell electric vehicle market, or as decarbonized heating fuel.  

Nu:ionic’s on-site, on-demand hydrogen production units represent gas reforming done right for distributed scale – cost effective with 80% lower GHG emissions compared to grey hydrogen.

By-product CO2 is produced either as dense phase compressed gas, or bulk liquid for reuse or sequestration.

Feedstock flexibility

Natural Gas, Biogas or Methanol

Nu:ionic combines electricity with low-cost hydrogen carriers such as renewable methanol, biogas or natural gas to produce low carbon hydrogen. Our use of electrification means our reformers are highly compact, simple in design and modular, eliminating the emissions and complexity of combustion processes.  

The mild operating conditions and compact design deliver higher efficiency and lower capital cost.

An important energy vector in a low-carbon
energy ecosystem

To meet the decarbonization goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, global hydrogen production is expected to double from its current level of 60M t/yr to 120M t/y by 2026, and then grow 500M t/y by 2050. This will result in significant cost reductions for hydrogen production and use, making it competitive with other transportation and heating fuels. 

Nu:ionic’s electrified steam methane reforming accelerates the cost reduction curve by introducing an innovative new pathway to producing low carbon hydrogen in a distributed and cost-effective manner.

Industry Insights

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