Electrification of

Gas Reforming

Meet Nu-X℠

Electrifying Reforming to Eliminate Emissions

Nu-X Smart Reformer℠

Nu-X Smart Reforming is the evolution of industrial furnace equipment for a decarbonized future by eliminating combustion emissions from conventional steam methane reforming (SMR). The compact and efficient Nu-X Smart Reformer is at the heart of Teal HydrogenTM , the only hydrogen production technology that is truly low cost AND low-carbon, even at distributed production capacities of 1 – 20 TPD H2.

Nu-X Smart Reformer

Modular, Ultra Compact & Scalable

Up to 10X Smaller vs.
Conventional SMR Fired Heater AND Eliminates
Stack Equipment

Electrified To Eliminate Emissions

Scope 1 Emission Free

Advanced Al Supervisory Control

Al Enhanced by Rigorous Process Model for Higher Reliability with Extended
Uptime and Lower
Maintenance Costs

1.2 TPD Hydrogen Production Nu-X Smart Reformer

Up to 10x Smaller


Small Physical Footprint, Big Environmental Impact

Lead the energy transition by integrating the compact and modular Nu-X Smart Reformer within existing or new plant sites. This next generation, emission-free reformer is capable of handling natural gas, renewable, ammonia or methanol feedstocks for on-site, distributed Teal Hydrogen production.

Compared to Conventional SMRs, the Nu-X Smart Reformer:

Has a 10X smaller reactor footprint.
Yields greater feedstock – up to 33% less natural gas feedstock.
Significantly reduces auxiliary equipment needs.
Eliminates harmful combustion emissions such as NOx,
SOx and particulate matter (soot).
10 TPD Plant

A Better-than-Blue Hydrogen Alternative

Clean Up With Teal H2

More than 90% of the world’s hydrogen is produced with steam methane reforming. While it is low in cost, it is high on emissions. With Nu-X Smart Reforming, the same chemistry can be performed in a highly efficient and zero emission unit operation, and according to a recent CICE study, this process results in one of the cleanest pathways to produce hydrogen.

The Nu-X Smart Methane Reformer offers:

Lowest carbon intensity among cost-effective and scalable solutions.
Scalable industrial capacity of several hundred tonnes per day H2.
Exceptional electrical efficiency > 95%.
Greater yield with 4X less electricity consumption vs. electrolysis.
Beats Blue H2 on emissions.
Beats Green H2 on cost with similar emissions.


Learn more about the Nu-X Reformer.